Special 8-perf wide 35mm non-perforated yellow opaque splicing tape - Sleeve of 5 double-length rolls
*IMPORTANT - The “8-perf” (sometimes referred to as “2-frame”) splicing tape are special extra wide rolls that will cover a full 2 frames of 35mm film (8 perforations) so that the edges of the tape align with the framelines. MOST 35mm and 70mm splicers cannot handle this width tape. Please make sure your splicer can handle this width of roll before ordering. The width of this 8-perf tape is 38mm/1.5 inches and the core size is one inch. (If you have a Handy Taper 8-perf splicer that uses tape on a 1.5 inch core, please email us for an adapter in order to use this tape with the 8-perf Handy Taper splicer.) Also note these rolls are a whopping 30 meters / 96 feet in length!
Film-Tech brand splicing tape is the same original highly coveted adhesive formulation sold in the 80s, 90s and 00s by Neumade Products. This is the only TRULY ARCHIVAL quality splicing tape that has ever been produced. The tape applies without folding or bubbles, never dries out and can be removed without leaving a trace of adhesive residue even 30 years after application. This is also the ONLY tape ever offered on the market that does not “gum up” splicing blades or punch and dies with use. Anyone who has used this tape knows there is absolutely no substitute.
IMPORTANT - Never remove the rolls of tape from the plastic sleeves until they are immediately being loaded onto the splicer. Setting ANY kind of clear splicing tape on its side will collect dirt which will show as black horizontal lines on screen and lessen the strength of the edge of the splice. If it should be needed to remove a roll temporarily from a splicer (for example to switch between clear and yellow tape), always place the tape with the face of the tape touching the table and ensure an object is preventing it from “rolling off the table”. Film-Tech splicing tape should be stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight.